“The Secret” in life!

3 min readJan 15, 2018
Author of the article Secret in Life, A. Yemenaris

Happy New Year everyone! It’s the time of the year when we all make our New Year’s resolutions. These days, we are more optimistic and positive that in 2018 we will fulfill our dreams and goals which we have not yet accomplished. We are currently motivated enough to make changes and develop positive habits because our expectations and hope for a better year ahead are powerful ideas that can fuel our will to improve our lives.

Unfortunately, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February, according to U.S. News. In addition, Forbes magazine supports that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions. As you understand the odds are against us.

Over the last years, most of us may have failed to fulfill partially if not the majority of our resolutions. It is common to feel disappointment for not achieving our goals and for not being able of creating the life we deserve. As a result, the feeling of disenchantment may lead to low self-esteem and lack of motivation to pursue our dreams further.

Many experts support that having unrealistic expectations and shooting in the moon will definitely make our New Year’s resolutions fall apart very quickly. That’s why they suggest keeping our bucket list short and focused on a thing or two that we need the most to improve in our life. But what if we are eager to simultaneously make multiple improvements? It can be a tough venture, don’t you think?

Having said that, it seems that we need to have secret powers or at least we need to think out of the box and search for “unconventional” ways to achieve our goals and create the life of our dreams. Talking for such ways I would like to introduce you to the book “The Secret”, written by Rhonda Byrne. I believe that it is worth reading this book since it can give you a different perspective on how you see life and it may improve it by utilizing the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction.

“The Secret” has many extreme supporters but also received a great deal of controversy and criticism over the years. More specifically, some people stress out the unrealistic theory behind the book and criticize the fact that it is impossible to continuously control our thoughts and think always positively. Indeed, the main idea of “The Secret” is based on the spiritual level of the human existence and of course what is not visible with human eyes is harder to believe it. Besides, as I mentioned above the idea of “The Secret” is somehow an unconventional way of fulfilling our dreams and requires faith. As a result, whether you believe that the book works or you believe it doesn’t, you are either way right!

Having said that, I will provide 30 points which I believe are the most important ideas of the book, at least the way I perceived them. Nevertheless, this article does not substitute the need to fully study “The Secret” more than one time in order to thoroughly understand, absorb, apply, and utilize the secret in your daily life.

Click the link below and visit my personal blog in order to read the full article and the 30 points as mentioned above:

- A. Yemenaris

